Many customers tend to find the factory direct supply, so they can maximize the low price, encounter product problems, the factory as the production side, the ability to deal with problems and feedback problems are stronger than the trading company. It is reasonable to say that this kind of trade form of eliminating the intermediate link should be more welcomed by the buyers, and there is no need to cooperate with the trading company, then why the trading company will survive so well?
Trade process, the price is indeed an important factor, but not all. Sometimes, the cost of time is more than the price. So, what are the factors that attract buyers to the trading company?
Summarized, also the following aspects.
1. Stable supply chain, especially in times of epidemics, professional trading companies have more supply chains to stabilize supply.
2. A wide range of products to meet the one-stop procurement needs of customers.
3. More professional trading company salesmen, easier to communicate across fields and provide more professional advice to customers.
4. Better service, which is the law that trading companies rely on to survive.